Free Download TeamViewer

About TeamViewer: a networking tool to remote desktop to another computer, or in other words we control, take control of other computers in general terms:

1. Both computers have connected to the Internet.

2. Both computers have been installed with this tool and get the ID.

3. Enter the ID and password on the remote computer will. ID and password can use the dynamic mode and determine our own, depending on the needs aja. Perumpamannya ID and password as the entrance and the Internet as a way.

Here are the main features of TeamViewer:

Remote Support, Presentation, File Transfer, VPN.

The initial view of TeamViewer
teamviewer Mengendalikan Komputer Jarak Jauh Dengan TeamViewer 6

Well partner ID field enter the ID you live target computer that you want to control and click connect to partner.
File transfer TeamViewer
file transfer timeviewer 600x446 Mengendalikan Komputer Jarak Jauh Dengan TeamViewer 6
The above picture is the view file transfers only between two computers that are connected by TeamViewer. So call us to open at the same time copying files or data on the target computer hard drive.
Quality TeamViewer
quality timeviewer 600x406 Mengendalikan Komputer Jarak Jauh Dengan TeamViewer 6

Well ... the picture above is a selection of visual quality of patient computers in our computer. we can set the quality of the image corresponding ability to adjust the speed of our internet connection. for example, if your connection is not so fast, you can choose low quality in order to delay that occurred not too long.

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